fauna in kaziranga

Here’s List of the Top 4 Fauna in Kaziranga

Kaziranga National Park is one of the most magical parks in India. This national park was established in the year 1905, located in the district Golaghat, in the state of Assam. People often choose it as a place to spend their vacation there, and this happens for many reasons. To add to this, let us tell you one more fact this park is well known for the varieties of flora and fauna it offers. But most of the time tourists get very excited when it comes to the fauna of this park.

fauna kaziranga

There are many ways to experience the nature of the popular animals present in this national park. But one of the very popular activities is safaris which can be really helpful when it comes to exploring wildlife. Pre-Kaziranga Safari booking helps you in avoiding the chaos that you might face at the time of actually being on a jeep safari or whichever safari you like. So in this blog, we are going to discuss the nature of the most popular animals present in this national park.

Fauna Found in Kaziranga National Park:

  • One-Horned Rhinoceroses: Kaziranga National Park is popular for the existence of one-horned Rhinoceroses. This national park is home to over 2,401 rhinoceros. This national park holds more than 68% of the total population of one-horned rhinoceros in India. Rhinos are brownish-grey in color and they don’t have any hair on their body. You can witness a glimpse of one-horned rhinos in Nepal, Bhutan, and Assam, other than this national park. Rhinos are blessed which a great sense of smell and hearing but at the same time they don’t have good eyesight. They can’t run for a longer period of time because of their heavy weight but can run at a speed of 25 mph. And the add-on that they have that help them to survive in this park is that they are a great swimmer.
  • Asiatic Wild Buffalo: Another animal that is really popular in this national park. People get really excited when it comes to witnessing endangered species. Asiatic Wild Buffalo is one of the endangered species and also it is one of the reasons the tiger stays in this park. As these wild buffalos are the favorite prey of tigers in Kaziranga National Park. This national park is home to around 1400 Asiatic Wild Buffalos. The reason behind such a large population in this park is the surrounding of this park and the ecosystem.
  • Tiger: Pride of Kaziranga National Park: You can call Kaziranga National Park’s tigers one of the main attractions for visitors. This park is home to around 116 tigers. Kaziranga National Park’s tigers are born hunters and they build with the athletic designed body.  Another thing that makes them unique and great hunters is that they can tear flesh in a blink with the help of their strong jaws and blade-sharp teeth. They can grow up to the length of 11 feet and can weigh up to 700 pounds. When talking about the claws of tigers are also very strong and sharp which helps them to make a grip on their prey.
  • Elephant: Kaziranga National Park holds over 1,940 population of elephants. Which attracts most tourists to this national spark. Every elephant is different when it comes to its personality, nature, facial expression, and many other aspects. You will usually find them in a herd. And the herd is usually led by the oldest elephant. The average weight of a female elephant is around 6,000 pounds and the weight of a male elephant is around 11,900 pounds. They are one of the beautiful creatures present in Kaziranga National Park.


So these are the four fauna that you are going to witness in this national park. This park not only offers this but there is much more to this national park. You can witness all these beautiful and unique animals while enjoying a safari. But it is advised to take Pre-Kaziranga safari booking seriously. We hope you enjoy your journey and find this blog fun to read and informative at the same time.